Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Foundations of Occupational Therapy- Course Take-Aways

I honestly feel like I took a lot away from the Foundations of Occupational Therapy course. The nature of the class was not very stressful and was engaging, which is something a student can really look forward to during a graduate program. Two of my biggest take aways from the course content would be the emphasis on the holistic approach to occupational therapy and the OT process. However there were many other things I will take away such as therapeutic use if self, cultural humility, test taking skills and interprofessional (?) skills, and a general approach to how to treat people you work and interact with.

Foundations really emphasized the holistic approach to OT. Looking at a person as a whole and all aspects of their life. Taking to time to consider nonverbal communications, living situations, and most importantly what is important to the person you are working with. Taking the time to actively listen to clients when they begin telling you about their life and their struggles (and successes!).

The OT process is the evaluation, the intervention, and the outcome. The evaluation being an interview with a client or family member, a standardize test or assessment, or an observation. The intervention being what you decide to do based on the evaluation and the outcome being the progress made by the client. I think a big take away from this is the idea that sometimes an OT will have to go back reevaluate and develop a new intervention, sometimes even multiple times.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Scapulohumeral Rhythm: Biomechanics Blog Post Three

What is the clinical relevance of the Scauplohumeral Rhythm? And how can it affect your ROM measurements of the shoulder?

The Scapulohumeral Rhythm is the relationship of movement between the scapula and the humerus as well as the related joints for example the Scapulothoracic Joint and the Glenohumeral Joint. The clinical relevance of this rhythm is to help maintain space and confirms a synchronized movement of the joints and the bone structures. The scapulohumeral rhythm also aids in maintaining length tension relationships, the subacrominal space and prevent active insufficiency of the glenohumeral muscles.

Without Scapulohumeral Rhythm range of motion will be limited due to humeral heads inability to rotate laterally. If the humeral head cannot rotate laterally then the greater tubercle will not be able to pass the acromion. Scapulohumeral Rhythm also affects range of motion because the movement is happening between two joints all there to be much MORE range of motion in the shoulder. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Podcast/TEDtalk Review- KC

PODCAST REVIEW: Nature Based Therapy

I really enjoyed this podcast because I felt like it drew on my background in recreation therapy. Finding ways to integrate my two degree in my work as a therapist is something I aim to achieve. The podcast discussed using the outdoors for pediatric referrals and children who are struggling with hand writting specifically. I think at some point in my career it would be great to find ways to use nature based therapy with other populations. Possibly a modified version with geriatric populations. I really enjoyed this podcast because it highlighted a new approach to OT that I had not considered!

TEDTALK REVIEW: Universal design

Universal design. This is a concept that I did not realize had a defined name and I love it! Universal design is the idea that product should be designed with all abilities in mind. I love this because again it makes me think of my undergraduate degree in recreation therapy and all the bikes, kayaks, and various sports equipment I spent hours adjusting and modifying for specific individual use. I love the idea that we are moving or at least creating awareness about the need to move in the direction of creating this EVERYONE can use. 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Positioning and bony landmarks: Biomechanics Blog Post Two

why do we use bony landmarks?

-interrater reliability
-intrarater reliabily
-to make sure we are testing the right thing

Why do we use “test position” for manual muscle testing?

To test there ability to move with gravity and to get baseline understanding of there muscle strength.

Why do we use gravity eliminated position?

When a patient have low muscle strength you must remove gravity to see there ability to move their muscles independently. This will also establish a baseline for muscle strength.

An OT must use ROM and MMT to understand where a patient stands prior to treatment do evaluate improvemen and to make sure no harm is done.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Actions of Daily Livings: Biomechanics Blogs Post One

Choosing an action/movement you do as a part of your daily routine...

Image from: Google Images
      Take a moment and think of the actions you do every day. Most of us, I know I do, brush our teeth every day at least twice a day. The movements involved in brushing your teeth are many and complex. When I lift my toothbrush to my mouth I am abducting my shoulder.
      For the purpose of this blog post assignment I will be focusing on the shoulder abducting. This is the initial movement and it is done in the frontal plane and in an open chain. After the other motions of brushing my teeth (horizontal rotation and elbow flexion and extension) I will adduct my shoulder to a neutral position.
      When the shoulder is abducting it is in neutral rotation. The arthokinematics of this action is the humerus which is convex rolls up and then glides down in the concave glenoid fossa. 

Let's Talk Mock (Interview)

  How do you feel the interview went overall?  I believe the interview went really well. It was generally what I was expecting, with intervi...