What is the clinical relevance of the Scauplohumeral Rhythm? And how can it affect your ROM measurements of the shoulder?
The Scapulohumeral Rhythm is the relationship of movement between the scapula and the humerus as well as the related joints for example the Scapulothoracic Joint and the Glenohumeral Joint. The clinical relevance of this rhythm is to help maintain space and confirms a synchronized movement of the joints and the bone structures. The scapulohumeral rhythm also aids in maintaining length tension relationships, the subacrominal space and prevent active insufficiency of the glenohumeral muscles.
Without Scapulohumeral Rhythm range of motion will be limited due to humeral heads inability to rotate laterally. If the humeral head cannot rotate laterally then the greater tubercle will not be able to pass the acromion. Scapulohumeral Rhythm also affects range of motion because the movement is happening between two joints all there to be much MORE range of motion in the shoulder.
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