Saturday, June 1, 2019

Assistive Devices: Biomechanics Blog Post Six

Assessing proper fitting for: Canes, Axillary crutches, Lofstrand crutches, Platform walkers, and Rolling walkers

Why is important to fit an individual for an assistive device? For one, no two people are made the same therefore to properly fit an assistive device an individuals height, stability and comfortability must be taken into account as well as their needs. For example does this person fatigue easily? Should they be fitted for a device that includes a seat? Or does this person need supplemental oxygen? Should they be fitted for a device that includes space for an O2 tank?

How exactly does one fit for these five different devices?

Image result for crutches clipart
Image retrieved from google images
Canes: Have the client stand with arms relaxed at their side. The cane handle should be in line with the wrist crease, ulnar styloid, or greater trocanter. When holding the cane the elbow should be fleced approximately 20-30 degrees.

Axillary Crutches: Estimate the length of the crutches based on the individuals height, the arm rest should be 2 to 3 finger lengths from the axilla and hand grips should be in line with the greater trochanter. Have the client stand with arms relaxed at sides and adjust height of crutches accordingly.

Lofstrand Crutches: Hand grips should be facing forward and at the height of the clients greater trochanter. The arm band should be positioned 2/3 of the way up the forearm, proximal to the elbow.

Platform and Rolling Walkers:  Estimate the appropriate height of the walker based on the clients height, adjust the hand grips so they are in line with the greater trochanter, ulnar styloid or wrist crease. Elbows should be flexed to approximately 20-30 degrees. *Platform walkers should have the platform positioned to allow the elbow to be flexed to 90 degrees, the proximal ulna should be positioned 1 to 2 inches off the platform surface. The handle of the platform need to be position medially for the clients grip comfort.

Information retrieved from MOBI app.

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